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Recommendation to Automatically remove IM.Polan

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IM.Polan Details

  • Category IM
  • Discovered 7/7/2010 3:32:22 AM
  • Modified 8/12/2022 12:11:48 PM
  • Threat Level Low
  • Category Description
    A threat that is capable to cause Denial-Of-Service attacks against other instant messenger client systems.

The following Files were created:
ad7fd9991ef175ed5526f342ebe14ddb.vir.exe 479744  ad7fd9991ef175ed5526f342ebe14ddb 
a6155cdc.exe 375296  5f443e299513fef45297b9ec7db273df 
b3a9bc33.exe 445440  7bdf4671ff8b121dd656edfc16c821f4 
945DB039.EXE 445440  cb498bf444919f5c80b301361fda0355 
b3a9bc33.exe 445440  7bdf4671ff8b121dd656edfc16c821f412/08/2022
e5aca20a8e0b8425d7d10025d2c4e0dd.exe 159744  e5aca20a8e0b8425d7d10025d2c4e0dd 

The following Registry Entries were created:

Please note that the following information is not controlled or endorsed by Max Secure Software. They are captured automatically by tools in our malware Research Lab as a result of executing Spyware Files or browsing Internet in virtual environment. Please contact us if you find any information inappropriate for removal. All the work contained in this report is copyrighted and should not be copied without permission from Max Secure Antivirus. We do not recommend browsing or removing these entries on your own manually. We do not take any warranty against the use or result of the use of this information.

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