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Recommendation to Automatically remove Rootkit.Agent.i

Our products can remove Rootkit.Agent.i and thousands of other Virus and Spyware automatically and instantly.

Rootkit.Agent.i Details

  • Category Rootkit
  • Discovered 8/8/2023 1:51:54 PM
  • Modified 8/9/2023 3:12:31 PM
  • Threat Level Low
  • Category Description
    A Rootkit is a collection of tools (programs) that enable administrator-level (root) access to a computer or computer network. A Rootkit may consist of spyware and other programs that: monitor traffic and keystrokes; create a "backdoor" into the system for the hacker's use; alter log files; attack other machines on the network; and alter existing system tools to escape detection. They are usually hidden and difficult to clean as they ingranulate deeply within the Registry and system files.

The following Files were created:
7c6bfe14.exe 4676723  06d713b8453725867bd24da8c2283aef 
1855530218374c08525d7c02e6fd85c311844a791567fcb74199e39a4ff3f83ce0cae0847f69d12bdeace1d1aabc4.exe 573440x6x8.com1.00ec3afd8a24aee5e45ca87e858bd8ed33 
5539ea3d5a6417b6320f4170ee9ad154.vir.sys 4864  5539ea3d5a6417b6320f4170ee9ad154 
rootkit.win32.agent.i-ada50cdb054023d1ea691bd5abde36f5b702d7e4.exe 48356  4f6e0010d32603cf6afd8bbdf12ef94909/08/2023
rootkit.win32.agent.i-b74097dca6f4fc61959c36142bd67cfefec1c7ed.exe 49152  ff908d7fa6261f99fb2da95e7376e9f509/08/2023
dc3a275183df139601e7c20b9fac7387.vir.sys 4864  dc3a275183df139601e7c20b9fac738727/07/2023
67c2fa8b46711dbbbaa3bce8db1c36fd.exe 4864  67c2fa8b46711dbbbaa3bce8db1c36fd08/02/2022
E1C4A759.EXE 45056  8afa18c5a145627f51718c618e4394e713/08/2020
2a7040108c128ef36a4c8f02822eea0a.vir.exe 57344  2a7040108c128ef36a4c8f02822eea0a 
dc3a275183df139601e7c20b9fac7387.vir.sys 4864  dc3a275183df139601e7c20b9fac7387 

The following Registry Entries were created:

Please note that the following information is not controlled or endorsed by Max Secure Software. They are captured automatically by tools in our malware Research Lab as a result of executing Spyware Files or browsing Internet in virtual environment. Please contact us if you find any information inappropriate for removal. All the work contained in this report is copyrighted and should not be copied without permission from Max Secure Antivirus. We do not recommend browsing or removing these entries on your own manually. We do not take any warranty against the use or result of the use of this information.

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