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Recommendation to Automatically remove Virus.autorun.fw

Our products can remove Virus.autorun.fw and thousands of other Virus and Spyware automatically and instantly.

Virus.autorun.fw Details

  • Category Virus
  • Discovered 12/16/2009 12:43:59 PM
  • Modified 2/21/2019 11:42:01 AM
  • Threat Level High
  • Category Description
    A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. A virus might corrupt or delete data on your computer, use your e-mail program to spread itself to other computers, or even erase everything on your hard disk. It often attaches itself to an executable file or an application. A computer virus is not standalone and needs a host file or program to work or replicate.

The following Files were created:
driver.exe 132096  65fdfadf7024b9bf95e30a7448ffb636 
wpnpists.exe 167936  21332344a0819f6b9b39c0b3e182583b 
0beab849.exe 167936  21332344a0819f6b9b39c0b3e182583b 
waults.exe 77824  f63fd9bb6f6960426ae065de62a5c950 
321e1903.exe 77824  f63fd9bb6f6960426ae065de62a5c950 
wikaspersky.exe 126976  35c80788ed86f217f90ee5d1f3bcf8ea 
514cec7f.exe 126976  35c80788ed86f217f90ee5d1f3bcf8ea 
wowinfo.exe 40199  72aea9bbbe668d2cd61f98e83e67b542 
winhlp.exe 40193  753389f99ea4a13800cee640b1336f31 
driveinfo.exe 40193  753389f99ea4a13800cee640b1336f31 

The following Registry Entries were created:

Please note that the following information is not controlled or endorsed by Max Secure Software. They are captured automatically by tools in our malware Research Lab as a result of executing Spyware Files or browsing Internet in virtual environment. Please contact us if you find any information inappropriate for removal. All the work contained in this report is copyrighted and should not be copied without permission from Max Secure Antivirus. We do not recommend browsing or removing these entries on your own manually. We do not take any warranty against the use or result of the use of this information.

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