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Recommendation to Automatically remove Adware.AdvertMen

Our products can remove Adware.AdvertMen and thousands of other Virus and Spyware automatically and instantly.

Adware.AdvertMen Details

  • Category Adware
  • Discovered 3/5/2007 10:24:00 AM
  • Modified 3/1/2021 9:58:02 AM
  • Threat Level High
  • Category Description
    Adware are programs that facilitate delivery for advertising content to the user and in some cases gather information from the user's computer, including information related to Internet browser usage or other computer habits. They can take up your computers resources and are largely responsible for the countless popup ads you receive on the web. Adware is often bundled with or embedded within freeware programs like such as clocks, messengers, alerts, weather, and so on.

The following Files were created:
379fdcf7.exe 201216  f45828d0594c3ee74aaf8e0775513e0c 
029e981f.exe 201216  efbb7ac863e831b9c27d8724f5929e7c 
97f4ff0a.exe 184320  edc774ababa54b105f2dc31095b91238 
7bc2c994.dll 74752  ca90706e2057fc20a12150c2c7ae025b 
33e3e3af.exe 211456  c91ebc08ceedfd7447b76db791ac1dc1 
17c16c45.exe 201216  b728e8aff71acf146b41be5c76882ecf 
6e62b508.dll 74752  b3498d31c3f07803448963a5a307e735 
4b601803.exe 184320  8e7a768aecfad48cb72ebb53b86fe156 
e5694c61.exe 201216  63789da1543b49746980a69782435d15 
fa16f6ec.exe 184320  590b3875be23adbf0bd1172ed486d30e 

The following Registry Entries were created:
..\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\"AppInit_Dlls"\"%win.sys32%\pushow81.dll"
..\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\"AppInit_Dlls"\"%win.sys32%\pushow7.dll"
..\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\"AppInit_Dlls"\"%win.sys32%\pushow48.dll"
..\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\"AppInit_Dlls"\"%win.sys32%\pushow22.dll"
..\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\"AppInit_Dlls"\"%win.sys32%\pushow12.dll"
..\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\"AppInit_Dlls"\"%win.sys32%\pushow*.dll"
..\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\"AppInit_Dlls"\"%win.sys32%\picgeboo.dll"
..\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\"AppInit_Dlls"\"%win.sys32%\phhgkkkm.dll"
..\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\"AppInit_Dlls"\"%win.sys32%\ophnmemm.dll"
..\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\"AppInit_Dlls"\"%win.sys32%\nejdbbbp.dll"

Please note that the following information is not controlled or endorsed by Max Secure Software. They are captured automatically by tools in our malware Research Lab as a result of executing Spyware Files or browsing Internet in virtual environment. Please contact us if you find any information inappropriate for removal. All the work contained in this report is copyrighted and should not be copied without permission from Max Secure Antivirus. We do not recommend browsing or removing these entries on your own manually. We do not take any warranty against the use or result of the use of this information.

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