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Recommendation to Automatically remove IM.Xinon

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IM.Xinon Details

  • Category IM
  • Discovered 5/11/2009 9:38:47 AM
  • Modified 2/12/2020 12:59:36 PM
  • Threat Level Low
  • Category Description
    A threat that is capable to cause Denial-Of-Service attacks against other instant messenger client systems.

The following Files were created:
TROJAN-DROPPER.WIN32.VB.AO.EXE 24641zorg1.0.0.057701038e73290ca81771d2c64fe03f2 
TROJAN-DROPPER.WIN32.VB.AV.EXE 289792  df2d7faaffc4314fd33544477891a54e 
Trojan-AOL.Win32.Xinon 118784JVP1.0.0.01abd982931018ee80c4708549609a8a723/01/2020
TROJAN-DROPPER.WIN32.VB.AS.EXE 62464asd1.0.0.0db88fc08b15b0d9183423e062beee69612/02/2020
4d4df13eb0096322348ca29f48dba6d3.vxe.exe 118784JVP1.004d4df13eb0096322348ca29f48dba6d3 
TROJAN-DROPPER.WIN32.VB.AS.EXE 62464asd1.00db88fc08b15b0d9183423e062beee696 
TROJAN-DROPPER.WIN32.VB.AU.EXE 32768Microsoft1.0.0.09e78d6de33fc61d9bdaddebd46f1b26a 
TROJAN-DROPPER.WIN32.VB.AR.EXE 417792pc1.0.0.0257e0860255e70f826682bfbf6574f14 

The following Registry Entries were created:

Please note that the following information is not controlled or endorsed by Max Secure Software. They are captured automatically by tools in our malware Research Lab as a result of executing Spyware Files or browsing Internet in virtual environment. Please contact us if you find any information inappropriate for removal. All the work contained in this report is copyrighted and should not be copied without permission from Max Secure Antivirus. We do not recommend browsing or removing these entries on your own manually. We do not take any warranty against the use or result of the use of this information.

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